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IMM 09 - Mini 50

It's the people!

We've been planning this trip for over a year so I had plenty of time to envision what our first IMM would be like. I figured the thrill would be seeing so many Minis, getting Mini parts cheap, and seeing some Mini friends from both the US and some CMU members from the UK that we haven't met yet. Obviously with that being implanted in my head for so long, that's how I started out. Then the park started to fill in and we started walking around, meeting people from all over the world. I quickly found out that the implant in my head was wrong, so wrong. It's the people that make an IMM. It was one huge family!

Each night there was a DJ and band in the main tent/disco. It was a huge tent that holds around 1,000(?) people. This is where it really started to sink in. In one area there were hundreds of people from all over the world having the time of their life! Everybody was dancing together, shaking hands, hugging, taking pictures, and trying to communicate in different languages. I stood there watching this thinking... Most of the world is represented here to celebrate a car that has an average value of less than $10,000 and there's no religion, no country politics/borders, no races, no social classes, just people having a GREAT time with each other! You then realize a unique power of the Mini that you have to experience to believe. I concluded on what might become a CMU bumper sticker,
"Drop Minis - Not Bombs."

Not to say that the people at the North American Mini meets don't make the event what it is; it's just that when 48 countries come together, it's bloody amazing!

By the way, who the .... is Alice?

The friendship was everywhere. Above is the Mini Clan from Scotland.
Don't ask what's under their kilts, unless you have your camera and a smiley face ready.

And then you have the people that...


Copyright 2005 Classic Minis United